About magazineThe Bioenergy International.Russia is the professional analytical magazine on bioenergy and biofuel where main experts and specialist are published. Circulation is 5000 copies 4 times per year. The Bioenergy International is global magazine which is distributed worldwide. Editorial: Chief editor/General Director of OOO “MB”: Olga Rakitova, Phd, Executive Director of the National Bioenergy Union,CEO of INFOBIO
Editorial staff: Olga Rakitova, Phd, Executive Director of the National Bioenergy Union, CEO of INFOBIO Tatjana Stern, Phd, Professor of the Swedish Agricultural University, Sweden Anton Ovsianko, General Director of the Biofuel Portal Vladimir Kholodkov, Phd, Director of NP “Biocenter” Lennart Ljungblom, Editor and Publisher of the international edition of The Bioenergy International
Staff: Tatiana Shipkova, marketing