Дата проведения: 
Нидерланды, Амстердам, Hotel Okura


* Peter Luxemburger, Project Manager, Cargill
* Hans Dieter Hermes, Project Manager Biomass, Vattenfall
* Rory Gogarty, Partner, Holman Fenwick Willan
* Johan Granath, Head of Bioenergy, Ekman
* Dr Liz McDonnell, Bioenergy Policy Manager, DECC
* Brodie Govan, Deputy Editor – Argus Biomass Markets, Argus
* Kees Kwant, Senior Expert Bioenergy, Agentschap NL
* Remco Frenken, Senior Vice-President of Global Commodities, RWE
* Peter Norfolk, Head of Research, Freight Investor Services

Ключевые докладчики:
* Adrian Boodt, Head of Biomass, Gazprom
* Pedro Tolentino, Sales and Marketing Executive Manager, Suzano
* George van Bommel, Energy Systems Conultant, BioTorTech
* Rob Marcus, Vattenfall

* Jim Nicholson, Global Business Development Manager, Argus

Докладчики на семинаре:
* Fanny Langue, Policy Officer – Specialist of Biomass, EU Directorate General for Energy
* Jeppe Bjerg, Senior Innovation Manager - Group R&D, DONG Energy
* Trevor Sikorski, Director, Barclays Capital

* Stuart Penson, Editor – Argus Biomass Markets, Argus

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