Дата проведения: 
21.11.2017 - 22.11.2017
Брюссель, Бельгия

Конференция Европейской биотопливной ассоциации AEBIOM - крупнейшее событие биотопливной отрасли Европы. Язык конференции - английский, далее информация на языке мероприятия.

The European Biomass Association (AEBIOM) is the common voice of the bioenergy sector with the aim to develop a sustainable bioenergy market based on fair business conditions. AEBIOM is a non-profit, Brussels-based international organisation founded in 1990 that brings together 29 national associations and around 90 companies from all over Europe, thus representing more than 4000 indirect members – including mainly companies and research centers.

The conference is at its 8th edition and it’s a unique opportunity for those who want to be part of the main discussion on the future of the sector. This year, both industry and policy players will once again gather to provide bioenergy professionals with long-term perspectives on the future of bioenergy.

Более подробно о конференции здесь:  http://www.conference.aebiom.org/


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